Ongoing events
Walk and Talk scheme
SENSES Walk and Talk is a one-to-one meeting between Corrie and one family at a time, to chat generally or about any specific support needed. This was set up during the pandemic and can now take place as a walk, using a room at Westway Open Arms, or as a cafe meet-up. Assistance with DLA forms can also be provided.
Please get in touch with Corrie by email at or Facebook DM if this is a way you feel SENSES could support you and your family.
Music Therapy
We have received funding from NYC to carry out 12 monthly sessions of music therapy at our Eastfield group, and the same from Scarborough Lions for our Scarborough group! The North Yorkshire Music Therapy Centre provides these wonderful sessions. Please visit our SENSES Facebook page for more information and to see when our next session will take place.
One-off events
We are running one SENSES session per week during the summer holiday, either in Eastfield or Scarborough. All the information and dates for these sessions will be posted on our Facebook page.